31 December 2008

30 December 2008
Baby Ellie

This is Ellie in the Christmas dress Tristin purchased for her. This is also my first attempt at uploading pictures; I had lots uploaded and I received an error message. I'm going to try again with a few more. She is a beautifl little girl and a delight to all her are in her presence. Very happy baby! I was able to baby sit her Dec. 26. while Todd and Sarah participated in Mark and Nikki's wedding. She was just a perfect baby.
I am sorry your dog is sick
I got home around 6pm, ate dinner shortly after getting home.
Dog got sick, and I had to clean it up...
Cleaned vaccuum because it was gross and barely working...
Dog got sick again, and I had to clean it up...
Took dog to 24 hour emergency room...
got home around 11pm...
Went to sleep.
I would have preferred a quiet night where I got to update the shutterfly, but I was a little busy dealing with a very sick dog. Davey had to get a bunch of fluids injected under his skin since he was so dehydrated. He looked kinda like a hunchback last night and he would sometimes start leaking too. They gave him an anti nausea injection as well. He's also on a special diet for the rest of the week and we need to give him antibiotics 3 times a day.
I'll update the shutterfly when I get to it, the pictures aren't going anywhere.

29 December 2008
update again tonight
Christmas was nice.
We went to Mom and Dad's for Christmas Eve for some home made chicken noodle soup.
Christmas morning, Sarah, Ellie, and I opened some presents at our house, then we drove over to Mom and Dad's house for Waffles and presents. Mom and Dad got Ellie, Sarah, and I some great gifts! We drove over to Illinois after waffles for Christmas at Grandma Jeanne's house. A lot of family were there and we got a mountain of stuff for Ellie. After Grandma Jeanne's we had one last Christmas to stop by. We went to Sarah's Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house to see all of them, and have a lot of people hold and play with Ellie. We finally headed home after that for some much needed rest for Sarah, Me, and Ellie.
The Day after Christmas we woke up early to drop off Ellie and Mom and Dad's (Grandma and Grandpa Ross), since we were groomsman and bridesmaid at Mark and Nikki's Wedding. Which as a FULL and fun day (10am->11:30pm).
28 December 2008
....new pictures?....
24 December 2008

23 December 2008
Little Ellie Grows!

I hope that the dresses and Christmas outfit that Derek and I got for Ellie fit her. If not I included the receipts so that you could exchange for something that does fit. It is amazing how big she is getting sooo quickly too! Well I mean she is still TINY, but you know what I mean.
I know Morgan is looking forward to her visit, at least that is what mom says,
22 December 2008
mini update
She's starting to do some fun stuff now. She can roll over from her back to her stomach, but since she hates tummy time she gets upset when she makes it over. She loves sitting up, but she can't quite do it on her own yet. she needs a little propping up, which is why we are hopefully getting a bumbo seat for her on Christmas!!! She also likes to play with toys on her swing or other things nearby.

and may all your Christmases... be WHITE!
19 December 2008
Tiny tots... with their eyes all aglow!

18 December 2008
Tristin... is a comin' to town... Tristin is acomin' to town!

17 December 2008
I want to eat some Christmas cookies! Derek is making them... yummy! I'll help decorate!
Are you taking little Ellie to the wedding? Or will it be a big person event! Sounds fancy!
I hope you two are getting festive... we're definately in the mood. Casey is heading back to STL on the 26th. We'll be all alone after that. Kinda sad, but we're keeping our chins up. :)
Things are good, just lonely. Wasn't I a cute baby?
16 December 2008

In case you've NEVER heard this Christmas Carol... I thought I'd teach it to you. We NEVER hear it here. (Just kidding, we hear it EVERYWHERE we go... in the car on the way to work, AND on the way home, AND out shopping... EVERYWHERE. Not one day has gone by since The Great Turkey that Derek and I have not heard this song... it is now a bit of a joke!)
Little Drummer Boy!
Words and music composed by Katherine K. Davis, Henry Onorati and Harry Simeone in 1958.
Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum
A new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pum
Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pum pum pum
To lay before the King, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,
So to honor Him, pa rum pum pum pum,
When we come.
Little Baby, pa rum pum pum pum
I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum
I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum
That's fit to give the King, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,
Shall I play for you, pa rum pum pum pum,
On my drum?
Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum
The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pum pum pum
I played my drum for Him, pa rum pum pum pum
I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,
Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum
Me and my drum.
Yes, its been icy and snowy the past couple days here in st louis with windchills in the negative degrees. Also traffic has just been crazy due to the weather.
Sarah and I have been horribly remiss about our Christmas shopping. We have barely gotten anything, I would say we are maybe 15% done with our shopping... This should be a busy weekend.
This thursday i'm looking forward to Nikki and Mark's rehearsal dinner for their wedding the day after christmas. After the rehearsal dinner us guys are having a small bachelor party... it won't be too big since I have to work on Friday.
Sarah's Birthday is Saturday too!!! So, don't forget to wish her a Happy Birthday!
15* BRRR!

Well I am sure you got my text message, your gift is a mish mash of pieces that come together nicely... like a puzzle. Well I got an email that the last piece is taking longer to obtain than originally promised. So I'll have to call you on Christmas morning after you open your gifts, and if it hasn't arrived... I'll just tell you what it is... so that you aren't like what a WEIRD gift Tristin!
15 December 2008

14 December 2008
Christmas in Indy
:) Fun Christmas Trips!
13 December 2008
Visit at Great Grandma's Sandy
11 December 2008
14 Days.. 14 DAYS!

10 December 2008
Wed Dec 10th
it was so cute, last night Ellie was in her swing and she started playing with the little blue ball that is attached and has beads inside. She was spinning the ball and kinda giggling after each spin. I LOVE IT! She's actually interacting with something and learning that things she does have a reaction. Human cognitive development is really cool.
09 December 2008
Frozen ring?

Christmas trip!
Sarah and I think that Ellie might be teething already. She is getting very irritable especially while eating, and doesn't sleep all through the night anymore. In fact she is waking up quite a bit. We have started to give her some baby orajel and that seems to help a little. I don't see or feel any teeth coming through, but I read that signs of teething can start up to a month before you ever see a tooth.
HO HO HO! 16 more days to go!
08 December 2008
Long weekend!

03 December 2008

02 December 2008
quick update
Thanksgiving was very nice, Grandpa was in town which is always a pleasure. We had dinner around 1pm at mom and dad's place and afterwords we went over to Sarah's aunt pat's house for the evening where we had desert. On friday, I woke up very early for some black friday shopping.
Depending on how Sarah is feeling, I'll update the website tonight with some pictures. although I need mom and dad, and jeanne to send me some of their pics from thanksgiving.