05 September 2008

Home and back to work

Sarah, Ellie, and I came home Tuesday before noon which was nice. We were all getting very tired of the hospital (they kinda smell funny).

We got some nice gifts from Nicci and Mark, both of our parents, Curtis and Sara, Christina, and Arthur brought me lunch one night so I didn't have to leave Sarah and Ellie. It was really nice having so much support.

My parents were nice enough to keep Davey at their house while we were at the hospital, and they have some funny stories about how he and Guiness interacted. They brought him back to us Wednesday night. Davey is very confused and interested in Ellie. He keeps sniffing her and wanting to be near her and us. when she is in her cube he likes to stand up next to it and keep an eye on her. So far he has been very well behaved around her.

Yesterday, Ellie went to her first pediatritian's appointment. It went well, she is gaining weight, and looking ver healthy. The office is very close to our new house which is nice. Since we were out that way we decided to drive by it and check it out. We got a pleasent surprise. The house behind ours fenced in their yard! That means we only have to really fence one side now!

Today is my first day back to work. I have a lot of catch up to do. luckily Ellie didn't wake me up too badly, and now that I'm going to bed at 9pm I should be able to get enough sleep. She seems to wake up 3 times a night now, and at least one of them a night she doesn't want to go back to sleep. Luckily Sarah is being really great about taking care of her last night so I could get enough sleep for work. I'll make sure to do the same for her during the weekends. Hopefully when Sarah goes back to work in 7 weeks, Ellie will only be waking up 1-2 times a night... or not at all!

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