05 October 2008

How was Friday Night Date Night???

Derek and I went out w/ Casey and had dinner at Applebee's on Friday.

Saturday Derek and I started off by running 4.06 miles... showering. Then we went to Bed Bath and Beyond and looked at stuff.... followed by a visit to sports authority and checking out running clothes that I liked. We had lunch at Jason's Deli (a bit pricey - but way DELICIOUS!) then we came home, D did some homework, I watched some of boat trip- then we went to Dave and Busters- I played some trivia games- won over 2,000 tickets and we made 2 babies in the Gene Machine (UGLY LITTLE MONSTERS TOO!), we got 2 pint glasses, a shot glass and a bunch of Jelly Beans with our tickets. After that, we went to Oregano's Pizzaria to pick up our carryout order of Veggies Pizza (not as good as usual, probably should have eaten it there for the full effect!) we came home and watched Super High Me and The Pirate Movie. It was a pretty AWESOME WEEKEND... and our date night rocked!

What did you and Sarah do?

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