31 December 2009
29 December 2009
27 December 2009
still waiting... you have time off so no excuses!
23 December 2009
...While you have some time off...
21 December 2009
Belated birthday wish...
17 December 2009
8 more sleeps until Christmas!

11 December 2009
2 more weeks until Christmas!!!
So I hope that all is going well for your family unit! Derek and I just got back from Vegas (our Christmas gift to each other) and are taking this week to recover from the stress of the pavement.
I do hope that you two have fun plans in place! Derek and I have ordered your Christmas gift, and it should be coming shortly. You'll receive either a phone call (Todd) or an email notification (Todd) for its delivery. I do hope you both enjoy the gift from us - as we do wish you the best this year! Also, Sarah's birthday gift should have shipped and arrive soon... we paid for the gift to be wrapped, so it shouldn't have to stay within the ugly box. It will be coming from Target.
Other than that I do hope you've received the package for Ellie - we shipped that UPS. Anywho, merry christmas to you both - I hope all is well... miss you lots! T&D
04 December 2009
3 more weeks!

30 November 2009
27 November 2009
Day after the Turkey Feast!

23 November 2009
Thanksgiving only 3 days away!!!
13 November 2009
09 November 2009
6 weeks, 4 days until Christmas!
Haven't talked to you all in awhile, hopefully Sarah is loving her new position, and is still able to work from home on Fridays! Also I hope all is well with Todd... and little Ellie!
3 weeks 3 days until the big turkey... so that is cool too. Ellie will be able to eat her first thanksgiving... and I cannot wait for pictures. I hate being so far away and missing so much, so please keep me posted!!! XOXO! T and D.
03 November 2009
Sarah's big day
01 November 2009

Aunt T and Uncle D.
Ellie the Belle
Grandma Laura
Halloween w/ Ellie
We had a blast for Halloween this year! Sarah, Sara, Curtis, Zach and I all went out for Sushi at Crazy Sushi. We came back to my house just in time for trick or treaters to start coming by. We also dressed Ellie up as a woodland faerie and took her down our street to meet some of our neighbors. Christina also came by and brought some yummy pumpkin pie! All in all it was a fun night, and Ellie was super cute.
31 October 2009
22 October 2009
19 October 2009
15 October 2009
Middle of October, weather's changed... and holidays are a-comin'

06 October 2009
Great seeing you 3!

It was pretty cool to see Ellie walking, and with such speed! She is an impressive little girl. Very pretty too! I love how she holds on really tight when you hold her. It feels like she is giving you a huge hug! Such a wonderful feeling!
Hope all is well, and that it won't be too long before I see you all again!
30 September 2009
29 September 2009
28 September 2009
2 more days!!!
24 September 2009
6 more days!

21 September 2009
...9 more days!...
18 September 2009
Beautiful Ross Family
Dad and I are looking at her beautiful pictures. I love the photo of Ellie sitting on her chair with her hair in the two ponies high on her head; how adorable.
15 September 2009
Ellie walking
... any unassisted steps? ...
10 September 2009
21 days!

03 September 2009
Ellie's pretty blue dress
02 September 2009
30 August 2009
Ellie's Birthday Party
24 August 2009
Tristin is coming to town this weekend!
Ellie will be 1 year old on Saturday and we are having cake and snacks to celebrate!
18 August 2009
10 days!
Cannot wait to see you all!!!
13 August 2009
Grandpa Gerry Visits!
11 August 2009
hand, foot, and mouth
So far it hasn't bothered her at all, which is good. Basically what she has is a viral infection similar to the chicken pox, but instead of itchy bumps the rash is more like little blisters that can be quite painful.
10 August 2009
Just 3 more weeks... love the pics!
07 August 2009

Sad News
This is a sad day for my childhood.
06 August 2009
Fine, new pictures
3+ weeks........
31 July 2009
30 July 2009
176 Pounds!
August 29th Is Ellie's First Birthday, YAY! we plan to have a little winnie the pooh and Eeyore themed fiesta and it should be a lot of fun!
29 July 2009
Happy 11 months!
27 July 2009
5 more weeks!
22 July 2009
Harry Potter 6th movie
20 July 2009
A weird thing happened this weekend... I took a diet vacation, Nachos and beer Friday night, Red Robin and Wendys on Saturday, and White Castle on Sunday. I weighed myself this morning and I lost a pound??? I ended up in Bizarro world.
Sarah and I saw Harry Potter on Saturday night while Sarah's mom watched Ellie. Man, that movie was soo good. I really really liked it! I can't wait for the next two movies now.
16 July 2009
15 July 2009
Harry Potter
14 July 2009
October 5k

Week Run Walk # of cycles
1 1 minute 4 minutes 5
2 2 minutes 3 minutes 5
3 3 minutes 2 minutes 5
4 4 minutes 1 minute 5
5 5 minutes 1 minute 5
13 July 2009
5k results!

I ran the race in 39:13 not great, but at least it was under 40 minutes. basically a 12.5 minute mile pace. On the bright side, this leaves plenty of room for improvement!
Mom and dad finished in 41:26... even injured they had great finishing times!
5k run

Here we all are shortly after the race with our Medals! Mom and dad are wearing the t-shirts we got, I wore mine later in the day... I didn't want to wear a cotton t-shirt for a run.
I still haven't found where I can see what our finishing times were... I would really like to know how fast I ran the race so I can set a measure for improvement for my next one in October.
Around 1pm after the race Mom, Dad, and Grandma came over to our house for an AWESOME BBQ. Grandma hadn't seen our house yet so we got to give her the tour. I grilled up a peppered pork loin on my grill, dad grilled up some Brats, Sarah made her famous potato salad, and mom made some corn, cole slaw, and baked beans. Card and Cubbies was on the TV... It was a really great day!
Ellie has some molars coming in, so she has been very sleepy lately. She went to bed Saturday "night" at 4:30pm, slept all night without waking until 8:15am Sunday morning. She even took a nap at 10:30am Sunday and slept for 3 hours. like her dad, she loves her sleep. She has also been in such a great mood lately... she has just been SO MUCH FUN. Oh yeah, Saturday we had a playdate for Ellie with a couple from Sarah's work Matt, Maggie, and little Claire (2 weeks older than Ellie). Those 2 were so cute playing together. We plan on doing it again in a couple weeks, next time we are going over to their house though, since they have a pool!
I can't really tell in these pictures that I've lost 20 pounds. I'm now 180 pounds! 5 more pounds and I won't be overweight any more (according to the army).
10 July 2009
The Friday before your 5k!
09 July 2009
08 July 2009
my night of fyn w/ my supportive son!
thank you again for your love and support. Sarah, call me or text me and let me knoqw todd does.

07 July 2009
06 July 2009
Ellie in my hat
6 days till race day
Thursday night Sara, Sarah, and me went to see the proposal and ate at McCormick and Schmicks. it was pretty good, Sarah got Fish and Chips which was awesome... I'm getting that next time when I'm off my diet. Mom and Dad watched Ellie overnight for us which was a nice treat, for them as well as us :)
Mom and Dad dropped Ellie off on Friday morning and we all went to Bread Co for lunch. Nice healthy fast food. For dinner we met up with Sara and Curtis and went to the local Mexican restaurant for my diet holiday, and I ate burritos!
Saturday Jeanne and Gary stopped by for a short while and we went over to mom and dads for dinner. We didn't go out for fireworks because it was past Ellie's bed time and Davey HATES fireworks, they really freak him out.
Sunday was spent playing with Ellie all day on the floor and I made some Chilli mac for dinner.
Monday morning I weighed myself and I have lost a total of 17 pounds so far! I may even hit 180 by the race on Sunday! I'm looking forward to the race this weekend hopefully my knees don't get re-injured from the running.