20 July 2009


Friday night dad and I went to the Cardinals game! It was a lot of fun spending some time with dad. Plus, we kicked the diamondback's butts.

A weird thing happened this weekend... I took a diet vacation, Nachos and beer Friday night, Red Robin and Wendys on Saturday, and White Castle on Sunday. I weighed myself this morning and I lost a pound??? I ended up in Bizarro world.

Sarah and I saw Harry Potter on Saturday night while Sarah's mom watched Ellie. Man, that movie was soo good. I really really liked it! I can't wait for the next two movies now.

1 comment:

T said...

That always happens when you give yourself a break. (A cheat meal a week.) Because it makes your body realize it is NOT STARVING, so it will stop trying to hold onto every calorie and every pound you've got.
I always notice on the biggest loser that always happens when the contestants allow themselves a small indulgence every now and again.
Congrats on the weight loss. The game sounded fun!