The only movies I have seen that have nominaions are: Wall-E, The Dark Knight, Tropic Thunder, and we just received In Bruges from Blockbuster.com.
So I cannot even vote based off of knowledge- and I'll just have to watch to see the pretty gowns. Though, I fall asleep so early now- that I don't know if I can even last past the red carpet!
So the question is... since you don't care... you gonna watch anyway?
I don't know, the only interesting thing of the entire evening will be whether or not heath ledger wins. other than that I bet I could pick the rest of the winners pretty well.
basically curious case of benjamin button is a more boring forest gump.
I liked forest gump. it was fun! made me laugh, cry, and want shrimp for dinner!
button didn't make me hungry for anything... and it wasn't as good, or nearly as fun as gump. gump ends uplifting and hopeful, button ends depressing and without hope.
wow. that stinks. the critics out here said it was just cate and brad saying... look at how pretty I am, and said it was boring annoying and predictable. Said it lacked inspiration. I think he got booed. ha! Sounds like you might have been on the same page.
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