Last night we tried feeding Ellie again like we have been doing for the past month or more. And this time not only did she not spit the cereal right back out, but she actually ate the entire bowl without getting much on her face at all!!! yay, she's growing up. That means that soon we can try giving her some smashed / blended veggies. see how she likes her green veggies. And, since she can actually eat food now, I put together her high chair last night so that she can sit and eat with us while sarah and I eat our dinner!
We've also started her on the "cry it out" method of sleeping. We started Saturday night. its really been working. last night we put her to bed at around 7:30~8pm and she barely cried before sleeping till 6am. She seems a lot more rested in the mornings now that she isn't going to bed at 10pm. We still need to work on her naps as well as eventually having her sleep all night not swaddled up.
Oh yeah, and she rolls over off of her stomach every time now. I like to flip her back over onto her stomach after she rolls onto her back to see her do it again. it is neat to see her learn to do new things and be able to repeat them.
1 comment:
That is awesome! Wow! She can do soo much! I am happy that you guys and Ellie are sleeping better now. It is amazing that she's on solid foods now too. She'll be a gerber baby for sure by the time I first get to see her... and that makes me a little sad. She is doing soo much soo fast. I feel like I am missing everything. Sigh. Oh, well. Derek and I will be back soon enough. We're just trying to get out of debt and save to propperly plan our move back home. Just 9 weeks and one day until I'll be in STL!
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