So, I got a mild distraction until I come out to visit... and maybe some airplane reading. (My flight out has a stop and will take 5+ hours to get to StL... so I may also need to bring FOOD with me!) The twilight book series arrived yesterday. Sweet. I started reading last night, and I am almost done w/ the first 100 pages... sweet. The only bad part is that they are hardbacks. So they are big and heavy. I like paperbacks for the ease of throwing them into a bag as they are light and more easily portable.
Harry Potter the movie comes out late July... I am excited. I like those movies. Do you have them on DVD? I thought that the Harry Potter was supposed to come out around thanksgiving last year... but I guess I was wrong... it just seems like AGES since the last movie came out... and I saw that one w/mom and dad in HI... so that was what summer '07. Wow... it's been 2 years since the last Potter? CRAZY! I bet you guys are excited! You two gonna go to the opening show?
twilight... what an awful movie. first in no way can the "creatures" within said book / movie series be identified as vampires. second, the casting in the film was downright horrible for everyone except the two main characters... although even the main "vampire" dude (forgot his name) wasn't very good. third the romance is horribly written. its not cute and romantic when a guy is stalking you, standing over you while you sleep, and holding back urges to EAT you. fourth the script was laughable. how can anyone watch this movie and not see this.
reasons the "vampires" of the twilight series aren't vampires.
1. sunlight is totally cool, they just "sparkle like diamonds".
2. they don't actually suck blood, they just kinda ravage and take bites out of people (and animals).
3. there is nothing about garlic, silver, holy water, needing to invite them in, crossing rivers...
they aren't vampires they are just sparkling, carnivorous, immortals...
HA! True. I actually liked the different take on the vampire.. found it interesting. My favorite vampire series is still The Vampire Diaries... but again... more of a romance - and not really scary... a definate GIRL BOOK! :-D
Well I am reading the books now and I am excited. Without sounding like a nerd, I do like the book better than the film.. it makes a lot of the awkward dialogue from the movie make more sense in context. And the gayest line from the movie... IS NOT IN THE BOOK. I laughed when he was like... "say it... out loud!" Derek and I are like... GAYYYYYYYY!!!!! Yeah, that line... totally written by some weirdo scriptwriter....
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