Here we all are shortly after the race with our Medals! Mom and dad are wearing the t-shirts we got, I wore mine later in the day... I didn't want to wear a cotton t-shirt for a run.
I still haven't found where I can see what our finishing times were... I would really like to know how fast I ran the race so I can set a measure for improvement for my next one in October.
Around 1pm after the race Mom, Dad, and Grandma came over to our house for an AWESOME BBQ. Grandma hadn't seen our house yet so we got to give her the tour. I grilled up a peppered pork loin on my grill, dad grilled up some Brats, Sarah made her famous potato salad, and mom made some corn, cole slaw, and baked beans. Card and Cubbies was on the TV... It was a really great day!
Ellie has some molars coming in, so she has been very sleepy lately. She went to bed Saturday "night" at 4:30pm, slept all night without waking until 8:15am Sunday morning. She even took a nap at 10:30am Sunday and slept for 3 hours. like her dad, she loves her sleep. She has also been in such a great mood lately... she has just been SO MUCH FUN. Oh yeah, Saturday we had a playdate for Ellie with a couple from Sarah's work Matt, Maggie, and little Claire (2 weeks older than Ellie). Those 2 were so cute playing together. We plan on doing it again in a couple weeks, next time we are going over to their house though, since they have a pool!
I can't really tell in these pictures that I've lost 20 pounds. I'm now 180 pounds! 5 more pounds and I won't be overweight any more (according to the army).