I hope you both had a nice weekend, and are staying clear of the "swine flu" (sung to the bob seager song night moves). Yeah, i think the swine flu is funny. Everyone is freaking out about it here. Gotta love the media blowing all this out of porportion. Sure, swine flu is serious, in Mexico City. Sure 100 people died in Mexico City. Let me think, are their hospitals up to par with the USA's? Is their health care? Do the citizens of Mexico and residents of Mexico City have the same socio-economic status as the USA and ease of medicine? I'm gonna take a stab and say, NO. I'm also going to throw out that 40k people die of the regular flu a year, and we aren't closing schools for 2 weeks at a time for that. I just love the hysteria that is going around. Makes me laugh that everyone thinks this is a case of the outbreak monkey.
So anywho... sorry I ranted. How was your weekend? I hope it was awesome. Miss you both lots!!!
yeah, sarah and I have been laughing about swine flu too. we keep making jokes and blaming everything on swine flu. Oh no its going to rain tonight, stupid swine flu.
haha, that is funny! What is even funnier is that all over work there are signs on how to wash your hands, and cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough.
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