So D and I are leaving for Vegas Friday afternoon. I'm trying to decide where I want to eat, and what I want to do. Saturday we'll be meeting up with my friend Matt Watts (the male GB attendant at our wedding) and his girlfriend Sarah. I think Saturday we'll just be lounging by the pool and hanging out. I'm not sure what the rest of our plans entail, as he's basically charting the course, we just along for the ride. Matt and his girlfriend arrive in Vegas tomorrow. He'll be getting a lay of the land and deciding what he wants to do... as last I heard he plans to pop the magic question on Saturday evening.
Friday, D and I will get there, whenever, and possibly will arrive dinner time. Not sure what we'll do or what our plan is. I really want to walk the strip... get some exercise in, and enjoy the sites. Most dinner places I seem to be interested in are $$$... though there are a few that are pretty cool, and don't look as pricey. Just depends on what we're craving and how much money we've got.
Do you remember where you guys ate, if you went anyplace fancy? D and I grabbed quick eats most of the time, and I think the last time we went the only place we really sat down to eat was at the ESPN zone in NYNY back in 2006. We just wanted to drink and hang out and gamble... and Derek spent all our gambling money in 5 minutes. Yeah, he's not very good. In fact he was so bad, he was out of money before they offered him a free drink..... so any places you can remember enjoying??
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