29 January 2012

Kitchen Remodel - Before Pics

We have decided to take the plunge and remodel our kitchen.  I am going to post a bunch of "Before" Pics now!  And more as the process continues.

We are going to put hardwood in the kitchen space, Hallways, and Playroom (Dining Room)

Ignore Ellie's Playroom mess.

We are also going to be updating the bathroom off the kitchen by making it have the same cabinets and countertop as the kitchen.


Sarah said...

yay, exciting! can't wait to see more!! :)

T said...

I'm so excited! I think this is such a fun project!!! I know Derek is jealous! He loves projects!

Unknown said...

Sorry about the mess in all these pics. I should have cleaned before posting a ton of pics... I guess it will make the transition from before to after that much more impactful (sp?)...