30 June 2009
Tuesday, The last day of JUNE!

29 June 2009
Cute stuff for baby!

Marshall's has some screaming deals! I love it! They don't always have items that fit in my size, but I was super stoked when I got a $30 pair of shorts (I know that is how much they cost because I had bought a pair full price at a running store) for $12! The deals rock! I hope you have one nearby!
27 June 2009
Saturday Picnic
26 June 2009
Friday Fun!
25 June 2009
Knee Pain ?
24 June 2009
training for a 5k
22 June 2009
Happy Father's Day Todd!
20 June 2009
19 June 2009
Let's get physical, physical!

I'm really thrilled about your run yesterday! That is exciting! You'll find that you'll improve exponentially in the beginning. Also the elyptical will really help because it is very low impact, and great for the joints!
I gave you a breakdown of the pace for different finish times. So if your goal is to finish in 30 minutes - you'll actually be faster than 10 min/mile since a 5k is longer than 3 miles. I'm excited for you! Keep me posted on your training!
18 June 2009
Run - Walk Paths

I hope you and Sarah have fun this weekend!!!
17 June 2009
5k All-Star run
So, Mom, Dad, and I are all going to "run" in the All-Star 5k on July 12th. Its sad that I know both of my parents are in better shape than me... although granted I was probably only in better shape than my mother for a few brief moments of my life.
My mother bought me weights for my birthday to start getting some upper body strength, and last night I bought an elliptical off of craigslist for some low impact training to prepare for the 5k. heck if I happen to lose a few pounds I wouldn't mind that either.
This weekend I plan on going out and purchasing some running shoes and some workout/running clothes. I'll never run a marathon (because thats crazy), but I might start doing some more of these types of things with my parents. I might even get back into biking some day, I used to love that... you know, before I got hit by that car.
15 June 2009
Monday morning is here again!

Mom says Britt's party was nice. Though she didn't get to see much of her, Greg or his family. I guess it was open house style and HUGE. I'm sure she's exhausted from all the driving, but I know she is glad she got to see everyone.
This weekend is father's day. You gonna do anything cool? I think a BBQ would be a lot of fun. But that is just because I like BBQ's and nice weather. I hope that you spend some time w/ the folks, and do something extra awesome since you're a daddy now!
10 June 2009
Ellie is so blonde!

She is sooo adorable. I love looking at photos of little Ellie, and seeing all her new outfits! Her hair is coming in so fair and blonde! Gosh, she is really taking after Sarah's side. She looks so much like her mommy and maternal grandmother it is insane! She does remind me of daddy with her blonde blonde hair... but then again, Sarah was a blonde too.
09 June 2009
08 June 2009

05 June 2009
So you think you can dance?

So what do you think of the top 20? I'm not sure. It didn't seem like they really picked the best dancers, but picked for what they think will capture the most viewers and make for an interesting group of individuals. I'm happy Brandon made it, but was really irritated that Mia and lilC? basically ripped on not liking him as a person when they don't even know him. It really was uncalled for in my opinion. I like him, and I think HE CAN dance - and didn't think they were making him eat humble pie, but she's all like... look at me, I have emmy's blah blah blah. I'm starting to really think she SUCKS. So we'll see if I like the season....
04 June 2009

You watching so you think you can dance? I am... so far the judges are really snarky, esp Mia Michaels. She is downright nasty at times. I hope the guy that didn't make it last year makes it top 20 this year. He is talented and did this awesome floor crawl move, and I'd LOVE to see that again.
02 June 2009
9 months!

9 Months Old
01 June 2009
Vegas was fun.

What a whirlwind of a trip. Since Friday was basically the only time to ourselves, we didn't get to do much. Friday night, Matt was wanting to walk around to scout out proposal places, as he didn't get around to it earlier, he was lounging poolside...Saturday was 100% what Matt and Sarah wanted to do, and that night was the proposal. So it was pretty busy, and chaotic. Sunday of course was met w/another 6 hr drive... so we just are pooped. The next time we head back, I think we want to make it a little easier w/o someone's engagement tied in. It was cool to be apart of...but actually made it rather stressful for us too. So since we left right after the proposal happened it was all the anxiety and tension around the proposal... but not a lot of the partying afterwards. It was fun, but I think Chaotic is the best way to describe the trip. It is nice to be back, and try to calm things down a bit though. I could use a vacation from all the recent visits! HAH! How was the winery... take any cool pics? I love the wineries... I'm sure you both had a blast...did you head to Hermin or Augusta????