15 June 2009

Monday morning is here again!

Good morning! I hope you are having a fantastic day. Mine started off a little rough. My badge expired at work (as I am still on contract status, and my contract is at will for my employer) so they set random expiration dates for my badge. I had to wait until someone could be notified to let me in. It is somewhat frustrating to say the least. But I hope it was resolved. So no complaints here.

Mom says Britt's party was nice. Though she didn't get to see much of her, Greg or his family. I guess it was open house style and HUGE. I'm sure she's exhausted from all the driving, but I know she is glad she got to see everyone.

This weekend is father's day. You gonna do anything cool? I think a BBQ would be a lot of fun. But that is just because I like BBQ's and nice weather. I hope that you spend some time w/ the folks, and do something extra awesome since you're a daddy now!

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