So, Mom, Dad, and I are all going to "run" in the All-Star 5k on July 12th. Its sad that I know both of my parents are in better shape than me... although granted I was probably only in better shape than my mother for a few brief moments of my life.
My mother bought me weights for my birthday to start getting some upper body strength, and last night I bought an elliptical off of craigslist for some low impact training to prepare for the 5k. heck if I happen to lose a few pounds I wouldn't mind that either.
This weekend I plan on going out and purchasing some running shoes and some workout/running clothes. I'll never run a marathon (because thats crazy), but I might start doing some more of these types of things with my parents. I might even get back into biking some day, I used to love that... you know, before I got hit by that car.
I'm excited about your elyptical purchase!!! There are programs out there that have CT into them where you could use the elyptical to build you up. Nigel used an ellyptical in his training for the 10k.
Also, Jeff Galloway is a strong proponent of the walk break training method. Basically, you use different muscles walking than running, in different ways. I like to include walk breaks in my runs, as I find it drops my HR and allows me to pick it up again.
I'm excited about you wanting to start riding your bike again. They have different really long bike rides you can go on, 30, 50, 70, 100 mile rides, and I'm sure D wouldn't mind riding w/ you. He does like his new ride! :-D
Don't rule out the marathon yet... I might beat you down eventually!
(wicked grin)
No marathons or even super long bike rides for me... unless I'm biking on something cool.
I can't be solitary that long, I get way too bored.
The problem with either biking or running though is that it would and could only be me doing it. Sarah can't do either. they are both just too rough on her already horrible knees.
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