Hey, sent you an email with run/ walk paths in your hood. The Ramona Loop is 1 1/2 miles.
The emerald out and back is 2 miles. The horseshoe out and back is 3 miles total. I hope this helps you with your 5k training. I ran past that and it is pretty hilly, but also has a nice sidewalk, so it is pedestrian friendly... so if you were wanting to trek further out, it is still sidewalked and nice. If not, no biggy.
I hope you and Sarah have fun this weekend!!!
I used the elliptical last night and boy does that tucker me out. it feels like a stair stepper. I also lifted some weights, I don't feel sore at all today, so I'm going to go for a small walk/jog tonight and see how I feel tomorrow. I need to keep it up if I don't want to die at the 5k. at the end of my army duty I would finish the 2 mile in 16 minutes and be completely dead. The 5k is 3 miles, so lets see if I can pull a 10 min/mile pace and finish in 30... that would make me happy. but I'll need to keep working.
pay attention to the end of my army duty part, I was already fairly out of shape 5 years ago... now I'm just much more so, because I don't walk around a college campus all day anymore.
Actually because a 5k is longer than 3 miles, running it in under 30 minutes would be a 9:39 min/mile pace or faster. 10 min/mile pace would have you finishing in 31:05.
11 min/mile pace is 34:11.
12 min/mile pace is 37:17.
13 min/mile pace is 40:24.
14 min/mile pace is 43:30
and 15 min/mile pace is 46:37.
I wish you the best of luck on your 5k and your training!!!!
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