Just wanted to wish you a happy last day of the month. Work gets busy for me at the end of the month. Didn't know if you experienced the same. Todd, hope your program you did this weekend is a great success! Sarah, I hope you have a great week... as you both ramp up towards the holiday weekend! Have fun!!!
Todd, I just read your comment. I think the icing and the NSAIDs will help. Glad you saw a DR for an Xray to check for traumatic injury. I think though, based on personal experience, and what you're describing, it sounds like overuse injury. Resting and once healed up strength exercises are the best things you can do. I'm glad you're getting it checked out to make sure you didn't tear anything, and to double check for a trauma injury. I'm hoping you're okay. Keep me posted on your recovery process!
well right now, my knee HURTS. The X-ray looked normal though, so that's good. I'm icing it periodically and taking my pills. I'll update again at the end of the week with how I'm feeling.
I hope you feel better! Keep me posted!
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