29 February 2008


So that means that when I come in town, April 24th, you guys will know the baby's sex... and then I could buy GENDER SPECIFIC CLOTHING!!! So when I'm in town we'll have to make some BABY TIME... it will be a nice break from the wedding stuff! ;)

28 February 2008

Doctors Appointment

We had another Doctors appointment yesterday. It was a fairly short check up and we got to hear the babies heart beat again. That was really nice. It sounded nice and strong. We have another appointment in 4 weeks and we have the BIG ultrasound scheduled for 6 weeks from now on April 9th.

25 February 2008

Second Trimester

Well Sarah has started the Second Trimester. That means that we are on the 14th week. Only six more weeks till we get to find out the sex of the baby! We are both excited about that.

23 February 2008

Its OK!

Isn't Sarah's car a 4 door... for now you can just mostly use that vehicle... until you get everything else all figured out... and maybe your car paid off!

So I hope you both aren't that upset... I know it is difficult when you want to do something, and can't... like both Derek and me wanting to move back to st l, but trying to clean out the debt first...

21 February 2008

No new car

Sarah and I decided not to purchase a new car. We couldn't agree with the dealership on some figures and we weren't willing to bend as much as we felt they wanted us to.

18 February 2008


I have a g6 and I like my car... it gets pretty good gas mileage- about 27mpg- and is a nice quiet ride. I actually got the g6 because if I did get a family... eventually I would need something 4 door - and I wanted a paid off vehicle when that time came around.... though it will be later rather than sooner... :)

Our weekend

Our weekend was pretty relaxing. Sarah went to Mom's house for a jewelry party, and saturday night we went over to Curtis and Sara's house to watch Charlie Bartlett. I really enjoyed the movie. Sunday was spent lounging around the house being overly lazy when we probably should have been doing something productive, like laundry.

We also test drove the pontiac G6 sedan. I really liked it. We are thinking about possibly buying one since I'm going to need a four door family car soon, and my 2 door Scion Tc isn't going to cut it after we have a baby.

16 February 2008


So now that it is the weekend... what are you two doing? Derek and I did our taxes, had a little bit better luck than you two, and now we are trying to work on our removal strategy... I think it is going a little something like the troops in Iraq... we want to come home-- but just cannot get it figured out! HA!

09 February 2008


I can't seem to help it. As a fried at work described it, the baby is like a leech sucking away my energy and such. Hence, I am constantly tired by the time I get home from work.

Oh well! What can you do?


I hear that the sleepy phase lasts through the 1st trimester... and comes back for the 3rd.

So... hopefully it will only last a few more weeks!

08 February 2008

So Sleepy

I think Sarah has reached the sleepy phase of pregnancy. She is almost always already conked out on the couch by the time I get home. She's also going to bed much earlier than she used to. I let her sleep, but I occasionally wake her up for dinner or if a show she likes is on tv.

06 February 2008

HI peanut!

Hello little guy! or girl!

Haha... it is TRISTIN SIMPSON! haha!

03 February 2008


Geoff and Zach and I so excited for the both of you. A new baby Ross will be very welcome! Love the unltrasound pictures. Keep us updated on all things baby related. :-) Yours, Aunt Christine

02 February 2008

Nice evening with the grandparents, and great-grandmother

Sarah and I had a nice day today. We started it off by going to Einstein's for breakfast and hung out with the Cronins and Humphreys. During the evening we went over to the grandma and grandpa's house for world famous spaghetti. The great-grandma was there too, so it was a really nice visit. (even if we couldn't find the movie Meet Me in St Louis).

We also scanned the ultrasound pics so I'm going to post the higher quality pics.

Go Giants! Boo Patriots...



I also love the name ELIZABETH DARCY ROSS

You two are the cutest parents alive!!!!

Grandma Mom

Hi! I was out of town when you posted the ultrasound link, wow!!!!Great-Grandma Sandy is visiting and she is eager for yu to send her the invitation to the Bolg!
Wow, my grandbaby has a strong heart! Of course Baby Ross does, it is yours!
Grandma / Mom Ross

Everybody's Working for the WEEKEND!

YAY it is the weekend.... superbowl weekend... NACHOS ANYONE?
Derek and I wish we were there!