30 November 2009

Shedd Aquarium

I love this picture of Ellie at the aquarium

27 November 2009

Day after the Turkey Feast!

I hope you three had a nice thanksgiving! I had called mom after our race, and she was getting everything ready. Sounded like Ellie was chit chatting, but being phone shy. Which makes me sad! I miss my little Neice! What a cutie pie! Anywho, I LOVE this picture of you two from Susan's wedding! You both look so nice! All our love, T and D.

23 November 2009

Thanksgiving only 3 days away!!!

I hope you guys had a nice time in Chicago! I heard Ellie was the Belle of the Ball during the rehearsal dinner. She is such a little angel. I also heard her outfit was waayy cute! How cool that you put her in the UGG boots that susan and julie got for her! I hope you had a nice time! I also hope that you both are able to enjoy your turkey day! (And possibly load up some pictures from this weekend, if you get a chance!)

13 November 2009

Chicago - 1 week away!

Have fun in Chicago! Take lots of pictures, and have a super nice time this weekend!

09 November 2009

6 weeks, 4 days until Christmas!

So the countdown begins. I watched Elf yesterday morning, and it always makes me smile, and gets me into that holiday spirit. Yes I know it is early, but it is exciting! Ellie will be old enough to start to possibly unwrap her own gifts.. maybe! I'm super excited!

Haven't talked to you all in awhile, hopefully Sarah is loving her new position, and is still able to work from home on Fridays! Also I hope all is well with Todd... and little Ellie!

3 weeks 3 days until the big turkey... so that is cool too. Ellie will be able to eat her first thanksgiving... and I cannot wait for pictures. I hate being so far away and missing so much, so please keep me posted!!! XOXO! T and D.

03 November 2009

Sarah's big day

Sarah just got a promotion at work on Monday! We are both really excited for her as she starts her new position and responsibilities!!!

01 November 2009


I LOVE ELLIE'S COSTUME!!! SHE IS SOO CUTE!!!!!! Gosh Sarah, she looks so much like you! What a lucky little girl... just as cute as a button and as beautiful as her mother! You guys really have a beautiful baby girl!!! What a doll!!!! I wish I was there to hug on her and squeeze her lots!!!!!
Aunt T and Uncle D.

Ellie the Belle

Wow, Grandpa and I are looking at such a beautiful little woodland faerie! I hope she had fun. Thanks for posting the picture.
Grandma Laura

Halloween w/ Ellie

We had a blast for Halloween this year! Sarah, Sara, Curtis, Zach and I all went out for Sushi at Crazy Sushi. We came back to my house just in time for trick or treaters to start coming by. We also dressed Ellie up as a woodland faerie and took her down our street to meet some of our neighbors. Christina also came by and brought some yummy pumpkin pie! All in all it was a fun night, and Ellie was super cute.