31 January 2009


I just read your comment, and it made me smile. I had fun eating grandma's chilli-mac while mom and dad where kickin' it in HI. You are just the best brother ever, and you and your awesome wife are entitled to every bit of happiness you receive in life. HUGS!
Plus you're baby is just soo beautiful!!! Sarah, HUGS!
Derek likes you a lot too. He wishes that we lived closer so you guys could hang out... he think you are awesome and wanted to send his love... here is a pic from the party that he says my talking didn't ruin you guys getting to know each other... Wha-WHAT???!!!

29 January 2009

Love the videos!

Love the videos of ellie! awesome, thank you thank you thank you!!!
Your trip sounds awesome! Is little Ellie coming with you?

upcoming vacation!

Sarah and I have an upcoming vacation during the first week of March!
We are flying to Puerto Rico for 4 nights!
We chose Puerto Rico because its still the US, which therefore doesn't require a passport or any currency conversion. We are leaving on a Thursday and will be back on Monday, so it won't be a very long trip.

28 January 2009

Some vids of Ellie

here are a couple of videos we took of Ellie.

Getting better!

I am soo happy to hear she is doing better, maybe not 100% but I'll take any improvement. How is she sleeping at night? My co-worker's little one is waking himself up coughing... hopefully she isn't having the same problem. But maybe she is building immunities! So this could be a good thing, probably not the best thing to say to the sleep deprived parents. I LOVE YOU GUYS! I hope to talk to you soon!!!

26 January 2009

Poor Little Ellie!

My poor little grand-daughter!
Is it respiratory? Or something else? She probably slept so well atbecause we have a humidifier in our room; probably helped her breathing.
When did all her symptoms come on? Poor little girl.
Wishing Ellie (and Mommy and Daddy) a speedy recovery!


I hope she gets to feeling better soon... poor little thing. Maybe I passed along my bronchitis to her? Sorry, I didn't mean to infect through the computer!

Ellie is sick :(

Ellie was sick this weekend...
She wasn't feeling well on Sunday. Sarah is staying home today to take care of her. hopefully she gets better soon.

23 January 2009

This just looks sooo sad, and uncomfortable... i am sure it isn't because she looks like she tuckered right out... but she is just soo small!

I dont want her crawling when I come to visit... she'll never let me hold her!!! But, I'll take what I can get- GOSH SHE IS JUST SOO CUTE!


The only movies I have seen that have nominaions are: Wall-E, The Dark Knight, Tropic Thunder, and we just received In Bruges from Blockbuster.com.

So I cannot even vote based off of knowledge- and I'll just have to watch to see the pretty gowns. Though, I fall asleep so early now- that I don't know if I can even last past the red carpet!

So the question is... since you don't care... you gonna watch anyway?

22 January 2009

Oscar Nominations

oh yeah, and the oscar nominations this year are really bad, probably the worst overall nominations of all the years that I've been alive.

Rolling over

Ellie can roll over onto her back now from her stomach!
She doesn't do it every time, but she is getting better at it. She has rolled onto her side from her back for a while now. She can also stand for a long time now if she has something to hold on to.

She is babbling a little more now and likes to blow raspberries a lot.

we are still struggling to get her to eat rice or mixed grain cereal. she hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet. she just pushes it right back out with her tongue. we hope she gets the hang of it soon, because we would like to start feeding her some veggies and fruits soon, but won't start those till she gets the hang of cereal.

Ok.... I'll give you this one!

Ok, Todd and I look A LOT ALIKE HERE!!! We even wore the same shirt!!!

21 January 2009

Just imagine...

so here I am, just finished with a marathon... passed out, and there is little ellie... I see trouble a brewin'! I definately want to see her and hold her... I just think that I may fall fast asleep after running that far!

20 January 2009

1/20/2009 Inauguration Tuesday

So it is tuesday, and I am still a little sore. I am glad you enjoyed your weekend w/ Sarah's mom- and that you were rooting for the Cardinals! yay! Now, death to the Steelers!

Now there are only 5 teams left that have never made it to the SuperBowl : Detroit Lions, Cleveland Browns, Jacksonville Jaguars, Houston Texans, and the New Orleans Saints. Crazy!

I am glad you are feeling better and that you had a nice weekend! I am trying to figure out my marathon training and what to do... If my half told me anything...I am pretty sure I will not be able to walk during the full. I may have to stop often and stretch my legs- but I fear I won't be able to walk. So I may have a pretty awesome time! (wink!) So you'd better let me hold that baby lots before I am passed out from exhaustion!

19 January 2009


I'm feeling just fine today. I was pretty much all better by Friday evening.
I would update with more pictures, but we haven't taken any for a long while. I might try and take a picture of her trying to sit on her own or something...
We didn't do too much this weekend. we visited Grandma Jeanne on Saturday. Other than that though, we pretty much just sat around trying to keep Ellie happy. We watched a little football, and were happy to see the cardinals win.

Ellie is almost 5 months old!!! I would say its going by so fast, but I would be lying. I can't wait till she gets mobile I think that will be so much fun! I have little moments where I picture her running up to me, hugging me and saying "I love you dad". I know that is corny, but it sounds awesome to me.

13 more weeks!!!

13 more weeks and I'll be running the Go! St Louis Marathon... and I'll most likely be tired, exhausted and in some degree of pain at the finish. I will need ICE and lots of it. Beer too. I want to make sure I get plenty of baby holding time... so I want to see her Thursday when I get in, Friday, and Saturday!!!

If you could, post some more pics of your daughter... she is just soo cute, and I love seeing her grow. She seems to change so much from week to week. Todd, I hope you feel better, I think you passed your cold on to me... I AM STRUGGLING! ;) Anywho, I'll be there soon and I am sooo excited! Hugs and kisses!

15 January 2009


OH NO! Mom said you dont feel well. HERE YOU GO! Hope you feel better soon, HUG!

Is this the bumbo?

Is lil' Ellie sleeping in the bumbo? She looks soo precious! Definately makes my temperature rise, with that baby fever! (sigh...)
Oh and I love the little stuffed Eeore doll... very very cute! 13 more weeks and I'll be in St Louis!

14 January 2009

Nice Weather Will be here again!

I saw that is was 39* with a low of 2* and a chance for flurries! Brrrr! D's family is all back in MO again, and Casey is not thrilled. When they left it was 74* so I can now see why there is such hostility.

It is cold here in the mornings... but I shouldn't gripe since our morning low 43* is still warmer than your daily high. I do get irritated because it starts out soo cold and then warms to mid 70's by afternoon. It is like I am always fighting off being sick.

D and I are trying to figure out how to dress for the race. Since we have to catch the shuttle to the start line from the finish we have to get there at 6am... and our race doesn't start until 8:30!

But we really don't have anyone here that can take us to the start of the race. So this will be an entirely new experience.

Anywho, I just wanted to post a pic from a nice WARM day... that is soon on the horizon!

13 January 2009


Hope all is well... D is making me a pasta dinner... he loves to cook... see the pic! (meat in a tube, yum!)

Anywho.... sorry I didnt get to talk to you guys earlier. I'll be in town soon, and I AM SOO EXCITED ABOUT SPENDING TIME W/ MY NIECE!

12 January 2009


Bob stops by an a more regular basis. I still don't know who his owner is. I think it might be this weirdo lady that drives a semi truck and her family lives in our apt compelx. She has a cat that stays in her truck- and she'll keep it running all night long. She also sleeps in there instead of the in the apartment which is weird. I couldnt imagine sharing a truck space w/ a cat and its litter box! WEIRD! I just haven't seen the cat in it lately, and so we are trying to keep our eyes open. I think living on the road like that is a sad life, and I wouldnt want to steal that lady's cat.... so we're just staying posted and letting Bob eat his food and rest. (He got into a fight w/ the blonde ferile tabby yesterday over his food. D was like... WHOA what was that... adn it was the two screaming... freaked YOYO out!)
Bob is a pretty kitty... much bigger than Yo size wise but a lot less FAT, he actually weighs less... just taller and longer. He's a cool cat!

08 January 2009

Ellie is soo cute

So what % is ellie in... she seems kinda small.. is that right? not like runt-y like way cute and dainty! Here eyes look big and blue still!

:) I like the spoon fed pics!

07 January 2009

Ellie is eating

We are feeding Ellie rice cereal now... looks gross.

4mo Drs Visit

Ellie had her 4 month checkup yesterday. that came with another round of shots. She wasn't too happy about those, but she got better after a short nap.

Ellie is 13.5 pounds, and is ~24 inches tall/long.

We are also trying to start feeding her rice cereal now. That stuff is kinda gross, it kinda looks like instant mashed potatoes, that you mix with formula. we tried it last night for the first time, and I don't think she quite understood what was going on. she spit most of it back out, and didn't seem to know what to think about the spoon. we'll keep trying, hopefully she'll catch on after a few attempts.

05 January 2009

any more pictures of the cat?

Ok... there is his ear....

03 January 2009


In the NY EVE photo with Davey and the hat... I can see the tip of Roxas head. But I dont see any other pictures of your kitty... mom says your cat is just precious and very sweet! Cannot wait to meet him!

(Looking forward to seeing more of your sauve kitty, than just an ear!)

01 January 2009

THAT IS SOOO CUTE! Ellie is just adorable! Kitty pics please! :)

Derek and I are making a new year's pizza... yummy!

Casey is sick, and had to delay his STL trip... but soon he'll be hitting the road!


Happy New Year!!!